Hiding from Different Thermal Color Palettes
The first step in setting up your thermal camouflage ghillie suit is to understand the different types of thermal color palettes used in various thermal scopes and thermal drones. Most commonly used are white hot, black hot, red hot and rainbow thermal color palettes. However, many more thermal color palettes exist that display a much wider range of temperature extremes. Knowing and understanding these various thermal color palettes will help to create a more advanced thermal camouflage ghillie suit.

Creating Distance between Barriers
Thermal scopes and thermal drones detect heat signatures when those heat signatures are out in the open. However, when distance between barriers is created those heat signatures become much more difficult to detect. An example of this is even a treetop canopy can mask heat signatures when thermal drones are flying overhead. Hiding behind barriers such as walls, houses, etc. can also help to mask heat signatures from thermal scopes. Thermal scopes and thermal drones cannot detect heat signatures through barriers so utilize and create distance between barriers to add additional concealment to your thermal camouflage ghillie suit.

Properly Covering Head and Body
A key element to your thermal camouflage ghillie suit is acquiring the technology that provides cloaking against thermal detection. A great example of this is the Beez Combat Systems Predator Ghillie™ SPECTRALFLAGE BLANKET. The Predator Ghillie™ SPECTRALFLAGE BLANKET helps to mitigate heat signature from thermal threats. The Predator Ghillie™ SPECTRALFLAGE BLANKET works best if utilized as a hide. To properly conceal the face and head from thermal detection the Beez Combat Systems Predator Ghillie™ SPECTRALFLAGE Helmet Cover is a required piece of equipment. The Predator Ghillie™ SPECTRALFLAGE Helmet Cover reduces the thermal signature around the face and head especially with use of the veil located on the front of the SPECTRALFLAGE Helmet Cover.

Equipment Camouflage
It is important to reduce loading on your already existing equipment in order to properly build out your thermal camouflage ghillie suit. This equipment includes your helmet cover and backpack cover. The Beez Combat Systems Predator Ghillie™ SPECTRALFLAGE (TLRP) Thermal Load Reduction Pack helps to reduce thermal loading on these products. The individually engineered dreads work in conjunction with the Predator Ghillie™ line allowing for an even more enhanced overall thermal camouflage ghillie suit.