The Cana Provisions AR-1 is a standalone portable water pump that is quickly taking over the market for various water transfer needs. The rise in the need for the Cana Provisions AR-1 portable water pump has increased dramatically around the globe as many first world nations face economical and political strife. With the rise in the need for the Cana Provisions AR-1 portable water pump so is the need for a way to comfortably and securely carry and transport the water pump across both short and great distances.

Beez Combat Systems has designed the best way to carry your Cana Provisions AR-1 portable water pump. The Beez Combat Systems Big Rig Hydration is the final solution to a purpose built means of carrying a water procurement system. Included with the Beez Combat Systems Big Rig Hydration is an extra-large general purpose (GP) pouch for carrying additional filters, batteries, Cana Water Personal Decon Kits and spare cables.

The Big Rig Hydration by Beez Combat Systems specifically supports the Cana Provisions AR-1 pump via a laser cut pouch manufactured in the United States. Built into the pouch are two hose retainer bungees constructed from laser cut laminate as a low-profile simple means of securing both intake and outtake hoses.

The Beez Combat Systems Big Rig Hydration converts a load carriage system into the most capable water sustainment and procurement pack available on the market. Whether carrying on foot, motorcycle or transporting via a vehicle the Beez Combat Systems Hydration is the best way to carry your Cana Provisions AR-1 portable water pump.