Thermal Camouflage Testing
In the video provided by “Solscud” via YouTube a “Triple Thermal Camouflage” test is conducted comparing the Beez Combat Systems Predator Ghillie™ SPECTRALFLAGE BLANKET, the RELV Weaponized Camouflage Thermal Hide and Chinese Camouflage mesh. The test conducted on video provides a visual analysis determining which companies’ product best provides concealment and camouflage abilities against various thermal scopes.
The first test is filmed with the Sionyx Aurora. The test provides proof that the IR reflectivity is comparable between the RELV Weaponized Camouflage Thermal Hide and the Chinese Camouflage mesh. However, the Beez Combat Systems Predator Ghillie™ SPECTRALFLAGE BLANKET excels at providing a camouflaged concealment option against the Sionyx Aurora scope.

The next test is filmed with the LWIR RH25 RICO MICRO. During this test an umbrella is utilized in order to create a slight distance between the target’s thermal signature and the various counter thermal and/or anti thermal fabrics. The umbrella is utilized during this test to help better demonstrate the full capabilities and effectiveness of the fabric as the laws of convection still apply: Increased distance between the end user’s body heat and the fabric is better. Beginning with the Beez Combat Systems Predator Ghillie™ SPECTRALFLAGE BLANKET the LWIR RH25 just barely detects any body heat while the target is in motion. Once still thermal detection is next to impossible. Switching over to the RELV CAMO ECLIPSE HIDE the thermal detection is significantly more profound under the same test parameters. Of course, when motion of the target ceases behind the umbrella then thermal detection reduces significantly. Finally, switching to the Chinese Multicam style mesh thermal detection becomes apparent.

The third test is filmed with the MWIR JIM LR. Beginning with the Beez Combat Systems Predator Ghillie™ SPECTRALFLAGE BLANKET the umbrella is utilized again as a test parameter. Compared to the RELV CAMO ECLIPSE HIDE thermal detection is less significant when utilizing the SPECTRALFLAGE BLANKET. However, compared to the Chinese Multicam style mesh both the RELV CAMO ECLIPSE HIDE and the SPECTRALFLAGE BLANKET perform much better. With the same camera the umbrella is taken away and the Chinese Multicam style mesh quickly absorbs heat thus revealing the target almost instantaneously. Under the same circumstances (i.e no umbrella) the SPECTRALFLAGE BLANKET and the RELV CAMO ECLIPSE HIDE perform with the SPECTRALFLAGE BLANKET performing slightly better at mitigating thermal signature. This is because the slits on the RELV CAMO ECLIPSE HIDE actually provide a faint glimpse of thermal signature through the hide itself.

For more information and to watch the test itself click the YouTube video here: